Federation Judo Fight Aikido
San Marino & Associate Disciplines

The outer ring that encloses the whole logo is open on the top dx, the logo is not continuous and drawn on a single line, but recalls the line of the Japanese writing , from which the meaning derives.
A great calligrapher and poet said: "The spirit must be round and the principle by which it is written is the circle". The gestures of the calligrapher, in fact, are performed on circular paths, without solution of continuity, immediate and rhythmic. This recalls the constant and uninterrupted flow of life, in its natural change.
The circle is open to indicate a form of opening towards others and not of mental closure, non randomly the logo representing the three towers of San Marino is inserted at the top of the open circle. This element of the logo was made with the graphic strokes of Japanese writing to want to integrate our republic with the origin of the discipline of Judo.
The rei is a fundamental concept for all martial arts di Japanese origin as an expression of courtesy, respect and sincerity. The greeting ritual is simple in its external form, but very complex in its internal aspect; it is an awareness of oneself, of the companions, of the gym and of the art that one is about to practice and must never become an automatism, a habit or an obligation imposed by the teacher. The greeting does not symbolize a superficial manifestation of education, but a complete work on the person: the search for a better adherence to the via (Do). The practitioner, through the greeting, prepares himself correctly for training, which requires patience, humility and control of his feelings, and therefore disciplined, constant and diligent work. This is the spirit of the martial way: humility is an attitude that must be assumed in life, the first fight that must be won is the one against one's own presumption.
Acronym of the "FJS" Federation federazione Judo San Marino