Defribrillators Train in safety
Don Giuseppe Guidi Fiorentino Gym (2020)
The Cardiac Defibrillator donated by the “Amici Casa del Popolo” association was inaugurated at the “Don Giuseppe Guidi” gymnasium in Fiorentino, which has always had a large number of associates in the castle.
The President of the Gastone Pasolini association wanted to dedicate the event to two recently deceased members, prominent activists of San Marino politics in the ranks of the Communist Party, Partisan heroes fighting for Freedom and Democracy e Capitani Regenti . Pasolini's voice was broken by the emotion in remembering the figures of Primo Marani and Pippo Maiani.
The Amici Casa del Popolo Association has embraced this project which, in addition to being available to sportsmen who attend the "Don Guidi", may eventually be used by the Florentine people and by all those who unfortunately find themselves in need, as the defibrillator is installed in the outside and properly signposted on the road. Above all, it also performs a cultural educational function, as explained by Doctor Liano Marinelli, President of the San Marino Society of Cardiology and promoter and moral guide of the Heart Project present at the inauguration also with Doctor Tomassoni, the legendary Fiorella and the tireless Marina and Sandra.
I take this opportunity to invite those who have yet to fill out the tax return, to donate the 3x1.000 to the San Marino Cardiology Association which includes "Progetto Cuore" ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Fiorella renews the promise of a great educational moment led by her, to be held at the ex-Mesa federal gymnasium in Serravalle, with the presence of all the very young practitioners of Judo, Aikido and Karate.
The presence of the Capitana di Castello di Fiorentino, Daniela Giannoni, very emotionally involved in the project from a family and institutional point of view, was much applauded. His presence at the inauguration and the messages of good wishes from the Secretaries of State for Tourism, Sport and Internal Affairs, unable at the last moment to be present, confirm that the institutions also appreciate the path taken by sports federations, Progetto Cuore and financiers.
Sammarinese Fighting Weights Judo and Associated Disciplines, Sammarinese Martial Arts Federation, Sammarinese Gymnastics Federation, _cc781-1bad5_Federazione Sammarinese Gymnastics, _cc781-1bad5 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ San Marino Football Federation
At the “Don Giuseppe Guidi” gymnasium in Fiorentino
Marino Antimo Zanotti
President of Wrestling, Weights, Judo and DA of the Rep. San Marino
Ex-Mesa Gym - Serravalle (2014)
La Gymnasium ex-Mesa now has a "Progetto Cuore" station 3194_bd81-136bad5cbd81-136bd81-3194_b The inauguration took place in the late afternoon of Friday in the presence of the Captain of Castello di Serravalle, Leandro Maiani, the General Secretary of CONS, Eros Bologna, the managers of "Progetto Cuore", Dr. Marinelli and the talented volunteer technicians Fiorella and Marina, of the official sponsor "Ente Cassa Faetano", represented by the President Maurizio Zanotti, and of the two Federations that strongly wanted this project, the San Marino Weightlifting Judo and DA Federation and the San Marino Martial Arts Federation, present with their managers and their respective presidents, Marino Antimo Zanotti and Maurizio Mazza.
There were also many athletes, including many children, who attend the facility.
The children were the most curious about the prevention tool placed inside the gym, formulating interesting questions to Fiorella who answered their questions comprehensively, also proposing a day entirely for them to be held in September, where they can learn more from the point theoretical and practical use of the tool and the importance of spreading the culture of prevention.
The Federations for their part have undertaken to ensure that all instructors attend the special course, periodically organized by "Progetto Cuore".
Those present were able to happily ascertain that the tool will be able to cover the safety needs, not only of the numerous visitors to the ex-Mesa, but also the industrial and commercial area in which the structure is inserted; last but not least, the canteen opposite and all the people who come to reach it every day, walking past the gym.