1st stage of the international school

On the occasion of the opening of the international center of high specialization Darcel Yandzi, the National School of Judo of San Marino organizes an internship with:
- Dates: 18/19 February 2023
- Place of the stage: Ex Mesa Gym; str. La Ciarulla, 47, 47899, San Marino - Reserved for 17 year olds (black belts), Junior and Senior (black belts)
- Program:
Saturday 16.00-18.30 (18.00-18.30 Randori)
Sunday 10.00-12.30 (12.00-12.30 randori)
- Costs:
1 lesson 30 euros
2 lessons 45 euros
- Information and internship registration:
e-mail: yandzicenter@gmail.com
telefono: Darcel Yandzi +39 03761171176 Raffaele Lisi + 39 3667249009
- For information on the activities of the international center of high specialization DARCEL YANZI, and on how to register, consult the specific page of the website OPENING 20 FEBRUARY